Sunday, September 12, 2010

Blogging Your Way to Writing Well in English

Hello ESL113 class!

Technology is in every corner of our lives these days, so we will use it to build your English writing skills. As we build our blogs we can learn a lot about each other, a lot about writing in English and a lot about using this forum to learn.
Happy blogging!


killEr miNg said...

why no one write down sth here?
i will be the first one!哈哈haha

killEr miNg said...


killEr miNg said...

哈哈haha! I don't know how to use Canadian blog, but I can use Chinese blog! And what I learn writing from you is quite different from what I have learned before!

The soccer blog said...

hello kelly!

Caroline's Blog said...

Hello Kelly! I find that is a relly good idea to learn how writing with a blog, because it allows us to learn English at the same time as to learn how to make a blog.

Have a nice day!